Idea Coonberg

ur. 10-11-2015r - Łotwa

(MCO g)



Atlant Coonberg
MCO n 24


Byron of Nord
MCO n 23

 Earl Grey of Sunrise Coonies
MCO d 22
CH.  Mac Conner Moonstruck (MCO n 22 09)
Betty Boo Red Power of Sunrise Coonies (MCO d 22)

Brenda of Amberland
MCO n 23

ICH. Almus Accopiter Laureola (MCO n 23)
GICH. Bushella Rakari (MCO n 23)


MCO f 21

EC.  Norsycat Oscar
 MCO d 22
GEC. Timaracoon's Clayton of Norsycat (MCO n 21)
GIC. Timaracoon's Debby Rose of Norsycat (MCO n 22 09)
 Venesuela Delihtful Orhid
MCO ns 23 03
EC. Lucky Coon Centurion (MCO ns 23 03)
ICH. Moscow Star's Delightful Orchid (MCO f 23 03)

Ayrina Apogeya*BY

MCO gs 22 09


Langstteich's K'Cepetto

MCO ns 22 09

Langstteich's P'Knockout

MCO ds 12

Langstteich's CC.O'Predicat (MCO as)
Utopia of Coon - Castle (MCO f 03)
Langstteich's Ca'Pella

MCO n 22 09

CH.Langstteich Calvin (MCO n 22 09)
Capecoon's Perdita (MCO f 22)

Black Smoker's Whisper

MCO ds 23 09

Game Over from Glowing Eyes

MCO ds 22

Lucky Star of Black Youcon Cats (MCO n)
King Lion's Love Light (MCO es 21 09)
Black Smoker's Peanut Brittle

MCO gs 09

Knockout of Saxonyforest (MCO a 22)
Black Smoker's Coyote Ugly (MCO fs 09)








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